Council has resolved to prepare and place on public exhibition a draft Plaques, Memorials & Statues Policy. A copy of the draft Policy can be found in the Document Library to the right.
About the Policy
Strathfield Council recognises that plaques, memorials, and statues provide recognition and are important in celebrating noteworthy historical events and persons or organisations strongly associated with the leadership, cultural and social development of Strathfield. Plaques, memorials, and statues can add to the community’s appreciation of these historical events and persons.
Decision making in relation to plaques, memorials and statues within the public domain needs to consider the balance between the desire to commemorate events or persons and the ongoing enjoyment of uncluttered public space. The Plaques, Memorials and Statues Policy establishes an equitable framework for their installation in the public domain.
Council is responsible for the management of all infrastructure within the public domain. There is an ongoing high demand for use of these public areas within Strathfield, particularly with increasing densities.
The Objectives of this Policy are as follows:
- Providing opportunities to recognise and celebrate noteworthy historical events and persons or organisations, strongly associated with the leadership, cultural and social development of the Strathfield area.
- Protect the intended purpose, environmental values, and aesthetic appearance of Council’s public spaces.
- Provide a clear and equitable framework to manage requests for plaques, memorials, and statues to be located within Council’s public space.
- Ensure risks are considered in relation to plaques, memorials, and statues on Council land.
- To ensure that plaques, memorials and statues do not present a hazard or obstruction to pedestrians or motorists.
- To ensure that plaques, memorials and statues contain appropriate content.
Have your Say
You are invited to provide feedback on the draft Plaques, Memorials & Statues Policy.
By email, to
By mail, addressed to Strathfield Council, PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135. Please mark your submission Draft Plaques, Memorials & Statues Policy – Public Exhibition
Last day to provide feedback is Thursday 27 March 2025.
What happens next?
The feedback received will be incorporated into the final policy which will be considered by Council.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Cathy Edwards-Davis, Director Engineering & Operations on 02 9748 9640.