
Strathfield Council has recently reviewed the Strathfield Community Strategic Plan following the 2024 Council election.

The draft Plan was presented to the Council meeting of 25 February 2025 and is now on exhibition. The Council report and draft Plan is in the Document Library.

What is the Community Strategic Plan?

The Community Strategic Plan is the community plan for the Strathfield Local Government Area (LGA).The plan sets out the long-term direction for the Strathfield LGA and is also Council’s overarching plan in the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) framework.

The Plan provides guidance for the alignment of Council’s resources to meet community priorities, considers key priorities in state and regional plans and provides guidance for other stakeholders (organisations, government agencies, business and individuals) in planning and delivering services for our local government area.

Review considerations

This current Community Strategic Plan was first adopted in 2022, and its progress was reported in the State of the City Report which was presented to the October 2024 Council meeting following the local government election.The State of the City Report informed the review of the Community Strategic Plan and identified a range of challenges facing the Strathfield LGA and Council.

The review considered the impact of emerging challenges Federal and NSW Government strategies and assessment of emerging challenges facing the Strathfield LGA since the adoption of the Plan in 2022.Response to the NSW Government targets to increase population to 61,000 by 2041 in the Strathfield LGA, which will involve large increases in population and housing density in the Strathfield LGA.

It is recommended that the plan, which is in place for at least a ten-year period, is known as ‘Strathfield 2040’.

Exhibition period

The draft documents are on exhibition from 26 February 2025 to 28 March 2025. The community is invited to make submissions to the draft plans, which will be considered prior to Council adopting the new plan at the scheduled meeting of 22 April 2025.

How to provide feedback:

  • Completing online submission form below
  • Mail your submission to PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135 marked 'CSP 2040' or visit Council's Customer Service Centre during business hours.
  • Email your submission to marked 'CSP 2040'

What will happen with my feedback?

Feedback on the draft Community Strategic Plan is open via the form below, or can be submitted in writing to Council via post, handed to Customer Service or send by email to Council.

Each submission will be considered and reported to an upcoming Council meeting at which adoption of the plan is scheduled.

Whilst each submission will be referenced and reported in the Council report, individual responses will not be provided.

Respondents who make submissions during the exhibition period and provide an email address with their submission will be notified when the agenda for the April 2025 meeting is published.