Council has resolved to prepare and place on public exhibition a draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Policy.

About the Policy

This policy relates to the implementation of a mandatory pool inspection program in accordance with Section 22B of the Swimming Pools Act 1992. The policy outlines application, guidelines, certification and prescribed penalties, in case of non-compliance.

Council is committed to supporting safety and compliance with legislation throughout the LGA. This policy will provide a thorough overview of the requirements and promotes responsibility pertaining to pool ownership.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Implement a mandatory pool inspection program in accordance with Section 22B of the Swimming Pools Act 1992.
  • Ensure swimming pools within the Strathfield Council area are adequately surrounded by a child resistant barrier.
  • Provide guidelines and timeframes for inspection of pools to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation.
  • Promote awareness within the Strathfield Council area of the Swimming Pools Act.
  • Reduce the incidents of drowning and near deaths of young children through pro-active measures ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Swimming Pools Act.
  • Require all swimming pools and spas that this Policy applies to are registered and updated upon the NSW Swimming Pool Register.

Have your Say

You are invited to provide feedback on the draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Policy.

By email, to

By mail, addressed to Strathfield Council, PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135. Please mark your submission Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Policy – Public Exhibition

Last day to provide feedback is Friday 28 March 2025.

What happens next?

The feedback received will be incorporated into the final policy which will be considered by Council.