Council is working on a place strategy to enhance, improve and energise our local centres of Homebush, Homebush West (Flemington) and Strathfield South. The strategy aims to ensure that our local centres remain important activity centres within the neighbourhood by exploring improvement opportunities, managing changes in the centre, and enhancing the popular characteristics of the area that make these centres great places for people to visit, work, play, shop and live in.

This “Energising Our Villages” place strategy will outline a vision for community vitality and economic sustainability for our local centres and develop ways to improve their look and feel. It will provide recommendations on plans and actions designed to encourage local vitality through practical changes such as streetscape improvements, community events and place branding.

The study focuses on the existing mixed-use zone of each centre as the core study area and also takes into consideration any major land uses or destinations in the surrounding areas.

Homebush West Area Map (study area outlined in pink)

Homebush Area Map (study area outlined in pink)

Strathfield South Area Map (study area outlined in pink)

We have commenced the Community Engagement Phase for Homebush, Homebush West and Strathfield South to gather our community’s thoughts on:

  • What makes our village centres worth visiting?
  • What do you love about our village centres and what improvements could be made to each of the centres?
  • What are your ideas for placemaking and branding our village centres?

The Community Engagement Phase will run from Tuesday 11 March until Sunday 04 May 2025.

There will be several opportunities to participate in and contribute ideas to Council including the following:

  • Public survey to all visitors
  • Business survey to targeted audience
  • Information drop-in sessions – weekdays & weekend dates available
  • Online submission via Council’s Have Your Say page

The FAQs on this page provide more detailed information about the project and an information pack can be downloaded from the ‘Document Library’ on this page.

Please check the timeline to learn more about the project and our engagement schedule for specific consultation events happening near you.