Council has reviewed and amended its Pesticide Notification Plan. A copy of the amended Plan can be found to the right.
About the Plan
Strathfield Council’s Pesticide Use Notification Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Act 1999 and Pesticides Regulation 2017, as amended.
Council has a statutory responsibility to manage infrastructure and public assets responsibly on behalf of the community. Weed and pest control programs form part of Council’s parks and facilities maintenance programs, and use of pesticides are an essential component of many of these programs.
The objective of this Plan is to provide the community with information on the use of pesticide applications in outdoor public places that are owned or controlled by Strathfield Council.
The Plan describes:
- what public places are covered by the Plan.
- who regularly uses these public places and an estimate of the level of use.
- how and when Council will provide the community with information about its pesticide applications in public places (i.e. what notification arrangements will be used).
- how the community can access this Plan and get more information about Council’s notification arrangements.
- contact details for anyone wanting more information on the Plan.
Have your Say
You are invited to provide feedback on the amended Pesticide Notification Plan.
By email, to
By mail, addressed to Strathfield Council, PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135. Please mark your submission Amended Pesticide Notification Plan – Public Exhibition
Last day to provide feedback is Monday 10 June 2024.
What happens next?
The feedback received will be incorporated into the final policy which will be considered by Council.