Strathfield Medium Density Housing Strategy


As the Strathfield area evolves, so do the housing needs of our residents. To ensure we meet the changing needs of our community, Strathfield Council is preparing a Medium Density Housing Strategy (MDHS) that will explore opportunities to encourage a wider choice of housing types in the Strathfield Council area.

Update: Strathfield Medium Density Housing Strategy

Strathfield Council has now completed community consultation for the Medium Density Housing Strategy (the MDHS).

Through the telephone survey and Have Your Say online survey, Council received over 400 contributions to the MDHS study. We would like to thank all those who participated in the research project as you have provided valuable insight into our community’s attitudes toward housing choices in the Strathfield Council Area. Your contribution has made a significant difference to key elements in Council’s draft Medium Density Housing Planning Proposal.

In addition, Council has now also completed all the technical analysis, market research, feasibility testing and built form testing to be able to progress with recommended amendments to the Strathfield Local Environment Plan 2012 (SLEP).

These recommendations were reported to Council on the 13th of August 2024. At that meeting Council provided endorsement to proceed with the lodgement of the MDHS Planning Proposal for Gateway Determination with NSW Government. This is an important formal step in the legislated process.