The Vision for the Strathfield Town Centre

Council is excited to announce that consultants, Hassell Studio, have been appointed to assist in the preparation of the Masterplan for the Strathfield Town Centre.

Hassell Studio will lead a multi-disciplinary team of experts to deliver the draft Strathfield Town Centre Masterplan, which will be an important document and will establish a framework for managing future growth and change in the Town Centre.

Building on the Vision already developed in collaboration with the community, the draft Masterplan will aim to deliver a framework to ensure the Town Centre becomes a liveable, vibrant place for people, supporting investment and job opportunities for both current and future residents. The Masterplan also provides an opportunity to deliver significant community benefits, including improved public spaces, community infrastructure, quality urban design and building excellence, all in a way that is environmentally and financially sustainable.

“Strathfield Town Centre is a vibrant, bustling and welcoming place for the community. The place reflects the rich heritage and traditions of Strathfield and connects us with contemporary experiences and opportunity for all. It is a gateway to Sydney and the world beyond.” (Community Vision)

How can I participate?

We will be seeking feedback from the community at various stages in the preparation of the Masterplan. For updates on this project be sure to join the Have Your Say page subscribe to Council’s eNews Strathfield Council

The Strathfield Town Centre Study Area

Study Area

The Strathfield Town Centre is at the northern edge of the Municipality of Strathfield – its boundary is within 3 local government areas: Strathfield, Burwood and the City of Canada Bay.

The Masterplan will be developing a framework for the part of the Town Centre that is within the Municipality of Strathfield.

Masterplan Core Study Area

The ‘Core study area’ relates to those areas of the Town Centre, including Strathfield Square and the Strathfield Plaza Shopping Centre which are within the Strathfield Council area.

Masterplan Frame Area

The ‘Frame area’ includes the railway station and adjacent business areas to the east which are in the Burwood Local Government Area. These areas will also be considered carefully as part of this Masterplan study.

Stage 1 Community Engagement

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Stage 1 Community Engagement. Your feedback is important and will be considered as part of the preparation of the Masterplan.

During 2024, there were several consultation opportunities for the community to participate in: Council received over 2,000 visits to our project website, over 250 survey responses and over 500 people provided feedback through our social media platforms. We also had over 150 people visit the project team at our public information sessions. You can read all about the Stage 1 Community Engagement in our Document Library in the right column.

This message from the community was very clear - Strathfield Town Centre simply needs to be better!

Following the Stage 1 engagement, Council also prepared and exhibited the Strathfield Town Centre Community Vision and Background Report, which can be found in our Document Library, that provides a strategic roadmap, reflecting on the extensive community consultation and technical analysis, and establishes a vision and guiding principles that will assist in informing the preparation of the draft Strathfield Town Centre Masterplan

Updated Timeline

Early engagement - 2024

Community members contributed via a range of methods. This information will be used to inform the Masterplan.

Development of Masterplan and ongoing engagement – December 2024 – Mid 2025

Will be developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, led by Hassell Studio, with input from Council and will include ongoing community engagement.

Draft Masterplan – Mid 2025

Engagement on the draft Masterplan will be undertaken in mid-2025.

Refining the Masterplan

Following the exhibition of the draft Masterplan, all submissions will be reviewed, and the Masterplan may need to be refined.

Adoption by Council

The Masterplan will need to be adopted by Council prior to the preparation of a Planning Proposal to implement the changes.