This survey has been created to assist Council in better understanding the interests, needs and wants of young people who live, study, work or play in the Strathfield Local Government Area.
If you are between the ages of 12-24, please fill in the below survey to go into the running to win one of following prizes! Fill out your details at the end of this survey.
- First prize: $250 gift card
- Second prize: $150 gift card
- Third prize: $100 gift card
This survey will close on Sunday 20 August 2023.
Privacy Statement
The findings from the survey will be used to inform future Council decisions around programs, events and initiatives for young people in the Strathfield Local Government Area. These findings may also be included in future Council reports. No individual will be personally identified in published Council reports.
Strathfield Council is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act).
We will only collect personal information from you for a lawful purpose which directly relates to the Council exercising our functions. The Council will not collect any more information than is necessary for it to fulfil its functions.
Any personal information you provide will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided.
Except for anonymous information which does not identify you, Council will not disclose your personal information to anyone unless you consent or if the Council is legally required to do so.
Your personal information will be held and managed by the Council in accordance with the PPIP Act. For further information, please see our Privacy Management Plan or contact us at
For more information about this survey, please contact the Community Development Team on 9748 9999 or email