Strathfield Council is proposing to install new planter boxes along sections of Liverpool Road and Homebush Road as part of public domain improvement works to Strathfield South Town Centre.
A number of planter boxes are proposed to be installed. The new planter boxes will be placed in areas which do not conflict with existing infrastructure such as waste enclosures, seating, fencing, and utilities. The three (3) existing benches within the town centre are also proposed to be revitalised through treatment of the wooden battens. Planter boxes are proposed to be placed adjacent to these existing benches, as well as in other areas to improve the look and feel of the centre.
The proposed locations of the planter boxes can be viewed online through Strathfield Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ page. You may also provide feedback on this webpage relating to the proposed placement of the planter boxes.
Please send your feedback to by 27 March 2024.
Submissions regarding work outside of the proposed scope of works (anything not related to the placement of planter boxes) will be discussed by Council for future consideration.

Proposed Planter Boxes and Benches