In 2022, Strathfield Council prepared and adopted a Delivery Program for the period 2022-2026. The Operational Plan is prepared each year for the upcoming financial year. The draft Operational Plan 2023-2024 is now on exhibition. The draft plan contains the services, program, projects, budget and schedule of fees and charges that will enable Council to work towards realisation of community goals in 2023-2024.
The draft documents are on exhibition until 31 May 2023 and the community is invited to make submissions to the draft plans, which will be considered prior to Council adopting the new plan at the scheduled meeting of 27 June 2023.
How to provide feedback:
- Completing online submission form below
- Mail your submission to PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135 marked 'CSP 2023' or visit Council's Customer Service Centre during business hours.
- Email your submission to marked 'CSP 2023'
What will happen with my feedback?
Feedback on the draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2023-24 is open via the form below, or can be submitted in writing to Council via post, handed to Customer Service or send by email to Council.
Each submission will be considered and reported to the Council meeting on 27 June 2023 meeting at which adoption of the plan is scheduled.
Whilst each submission will be referenced and reported in the Council report, individual responses will not be provided.
Respondents who make submissions during the exhibition period and provide an email address with their submission will be notified when the agenda for the 27 June 2023 meeting is published.